HALINA- Round Rock closing April 1, 2023. Click here for more information

HALINA- Round Rock closing April 1, 2023. Click here for more information


Body Contouring
Cryoskin is completely non-invasive and uses science that works with your body’s systems for natural toning and tightening with fat reduction. It is not another cream, scrub or massage. Cryoskin is a proven biological process; backed by science.

Our Cryo Skin Treatment is the most cutting-edge and adaptable anti-aging device on the market to painlessly eliminate localized fat, reduce cellulite appearance, and tone and tighten the skin.

Cryoskin uses state-of-the-art intermittent cycles of thermography (heat) and cryotherapy (cold), called thermal shock, to reshape the body. $600 Sauna Add On | $30 Not available at All Locations


✤ Benefits Of Cryoskin

  • Reduce unwanted fat
  • Tone and tighten skin
  • Reduce the appearance of cellulite
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Stimulate collagen and elastin production
  • Relax sore muscles

✤ How Does It Work?

Our Cryoskin machine safely and effectively uses thermal shock to naturally destroy adipose cells or fat cells without damaging the skin. The treatment breaks down fat cells by cycling heat, followed by a prolonged cold period, then heat again. A portion of the fat cells are destroyed during the treatment, while the majority will be eliminated within two to three weeks after the treatment as your body naturally flushes the destroyed fat cells out through the blood and lymphatic systems. Clinical studies show that this technology naturally destroys fat cells, but the results vary from one individual to another, as with most similar techniques. To reduce the appearance of cellulite, fine lines, and wrinkles, Cryoskin stimulates collagen and elastin production through the same process of thermal shock used for fat reduction; however, the treatments for these conditions use less cryotherapy and more thermography to tighten and smooth the tissues.

✤ How Does It Work?

Our Cryoskin machine safely and effectively uses thermal shock to naturally destroy adipose cells

✤ What Is Expected During The Treatment?

The body contouring treatments last for approximately 30 minutes and use a manual massage-type technique. The session begins with 2 minutes of heat and then a prolonged cold period (22-26 minutes) and then back to heat for another two to three minutes. The treatment goal is to lower the fat cells’ temperature enough to cause what is known as apoptosis (cell death). This phenomenon is triggered when the fat tissue temperature is between 12° and 17° C, which causes these cells to die. The cells are then naturally passed through the body’s lymphatic system and excreted through sweat and urine.

✤ What Are The Benefits?

Cryoskin has proved to increase microcirculation, significantly increase collagen, and remove adipose cells due to the thermal shock caused by cycling the hot and cold.

✤ How Does It Work?

Our Cryoskin machine safely and effectively uses thermal shock to naturally destroy adipose cells

✤ Who Should Consider This Treatment?

Anyone looking to lose weight, reduce cellulite, remove stubborn areas of fat, tighten sagging or crepey skin.

✤ What Areas Of The Body Can Be Treated With Cryoskin?

Our Cryoskin machine safely and effectively uses thermal shock to naturally destroy adipose cells

✤ What Areas Of The Body Can Be Treated With Cryoskin?

Cryoskin can treat the stomach, flanks (love handles), arms, bra-line, buttocks, double chin, inner or outer thighs, legs.

✤ How Quickly Will I See Results?

Most patients require three to five treatment sessions at two-week intervals. Initial results are generally visible within a week following the first session. However, the best results appear 15 days to three weeks after the initial treatment and extend for several months after the end of treatment.


HALINA- Round Rock closing April 1, 2023. Click here for more information

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